the blogging challenge
despite the magnificence of my current existence and residence, i haven't a clue what to write here. i feel a slight obligation, however, to share the experience with the friends and family that may check the site on occasion for an update.
this is the blogging challenge.... to somehow display a piece of my days here in a way that may satisfy the curiosity of people back home. the challenge exists mostly in the fact that: after being here for an extended period, the shocking and fascinating things become everyday occurrances. they won't seem so noteworthy until i return to the states and realize that i don't live around a giant stupa, that there aren't Nepalese and Tibetans everywhere i look, that monks and nuns don't make up at least 1/3 of the people i observe everyday, that Buddhism is not such a prominent religion in practice, that cows don't bump into me on the streets, that everyone doesn't greet me with a "namaste" everywhere i go. but for now... it is all so normal. it is the mundane of this existence.
damn, i am going to miss this place so much. i wish for you all to see and experience it... in this life or a next.
this is the blogging challenge.... to somehow display a piece of my days here in a way that may satisfy the curiosity of people back home. the challenge exists mostly in the fact that: after being here for an extended period, the shocking and fascinating things become everyday occurrances. they won't seem so noteworthy until i return to the states and realize that i don't live around a giant stupa, that there aren't Nepalese and Tibetans everywhere i look, that monks and nuns don't make up at least 1/3 of the people i observe everyday, that Buddhism is not such a prominent religion in practice, that cows don't bump into me on the streets, that everyone doesn't greet me with a "namaste" everywhere i go. but for now... it is all so normal. it is the mundane of this existence.
damn, i am going to miss this place so much. i wish for you all to see and experience it... in this life or a next.
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