24 August 2006

in preparation

i am preparing for my departure. pieces of me anxious and ready, and other pieces of me frightened. i have no idea just how much is in store for me.... which is beautifully exciting, and intimidating.
exactly one week from now i will be departing this country for the first time in my life... flying over an ocean i have never seen, and trusting people i have never met.
it is invigorating.

this is where you will come back to from time to time, to possibly find a random post from me attempting to keep everyone updated on my life for the next three and half months.
i am making no promises or guarantees about how often i will be able to write or what the quality and content of my writing will be. nonetheless, i look forward to sharing it with you.

until we embrace again, may your days be filled with love, light, joy, peace, and serenity.

i wish you all good things, all ways, always.
